Release 13.3 - Bitgen O.76xd (nt64) Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Loading device for application Rf_Device from file '6slx16.nph' in environment C:\Xilinx\13.3\ISE_DS\ISE\. "ALU" is an NCD, version 3.2, device xc6slx16, package csg324, speed -3 Opened constraints file ALU.pcf. Thu Feb 16 19:53:39 2012 C:\Xilinx\13.3\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64\unwrapped\bitgen.exe -intstyle ise -w -g DebugBitstream:No -g Binary:no -g CRC:Enable -g Reset_on_err:No -g ConfigRate:2 -g ProgPin:PullUp -g TckPin:PullUp -g TdiPin:PullUp -g TdoPin:PullUp -g TmsPin:PullUp -g UnusedPin:PullDown -g UserID:0xFFFFFFFF -g ExtMasterCclk_en:No -g SPI_buswidth:1 -g TIMER_CFG:0xFFFF -g multipin_wakeup:No -g StartUpClk:JtagClk -g DONE_cycle:4 -g GTS_cycle:5 -g GWE_cycle:6 -g LCK_cycle:NoWait -g Security:None -g Persist:Yes -m -g ReadBack -g DonePipe:No -g DriveDone:No -g en_sw_gsr:No -g drive_awake:No -g sw_clk:Startupclk -g sw_gwe_cycle:5 -g sw_gts_cycle:4 ALU.ncd Summary of Bitgen Options: +----------------------+----------------------+ | Option Name | Current Setting | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Compress | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Readback | (Enabled) | +----------------------+----------------------+ | CRC | Enable** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DebugBitstream | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ConfigRate | 2** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | StartupClk | JtagClk | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DonePin | Pullup* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ProgPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TckPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdiPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TdoPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TmsPin | Pullup** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | UnusedPin | Pulldown** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | GWE_cycle | 6** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | GTS_cycle | 5** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | LCK_cycle | NoWait** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DONE_cycle | 4** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Persist | Yes | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DriveDone | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | DonePipe | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Security | None** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | UserID | 0xFFFFFFFF** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ActiveReconfig | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Partial | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Encrypt | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Key0 | pick* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | StartCBC | pick* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | KeyFile | (Not Specified)* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | drive_awake | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Reset_on_err | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | suspend_filter | Yes* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | en_sw_gsr | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | en_suspend | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | sw_clk | Startupclk** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | sw_gwe_cycle | 5** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | sw_gts_cycle | 4** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | multipin_wakeup | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | wakeup_mask | 0x00* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ExtMasterCclk_en | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | ExtMasterCclk_divide | 1* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | MaskVectorFile | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | glutmask | Yes* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | next_config_addr | 0x00000000* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | next_config_new_mode | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | next_config_boot_mode | 001* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | next_config_register_write | Enable* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | golden_config_addr | 0x00000000* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | failsafe_user | 0x0000* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | TIMER_CFG | 0xFFFF | +----------------------+----------------------+ | spi_buswidth | 1** | +----------------------+----------------------+ | IEEE1532 | No* | +----------------------+----------------------+ | Binary | No** | +----------------------+----------------------+ * Default setting. ** The specified setting matches the default setting. There were 0 CONFIG constraint(s) processed from ALU.pcf. Running DRC. DRC detected 0 errors and 0 warnings. Creating bit map... INFO:Bitgen:278 - Setting the Persist option to "Yes" with the CONFIG_MODE constraint value "UnSpecified" will result in the 8-bit SelectMap port being persisted. Saving bit stream in "alu.bit". Saving Readback bit file alu.rbb. Saving Readback golden data file alu.rbd. Saving mask data in "". Creating bit mask... Saving mask bit stream in "alu.msk". Bitstream generation is complete.