path: root/verilog/alu_slice1bit.v
diff options
authorMichael Abed <>2012-12-02 12:13:10 -0500
committerMichael Abed <>2012-12-02 12:13:10 -0500
commite64c18d0e30c33fe4609c881620fa937da7b8ce3 (patch)
tree1caab3c1934a97fbff1faef1076e34f06c994a6c /verilog/alu_slice1bit.v
make git repoHEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'verilog/alu_slice1bit.v')
1 files changed, 65 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/verilog/alu_slice1bit.v b/verilog/alu_slice1bit.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7f481d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/verilog/alu_slice1bit.v
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company:
+// Engineer:
+// Create Date: 12:08:08 10/04/2012
+// Design Name:
+// Module Name: alu_slice1bit
+// Project Name:
+// Target Devices:
+// Tool versions:
+// Description:
+// Dependencies:
+// Revision:
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments:
+module alu_slice1bit(
+ output r1,
+ output cout,
+ input r2,
+ input r3,
+ input cin,
+ input [2:0] op
+ );
+// wires for operation outputs and carries
+wire movw, notw, notw2, addw, addcw, subw, subcw, orw, andw, xorw, sltw, sltcw;
+not notg(notw, r2); // NOT: R1 = ~R2
+not nogt(notw2, r3); // for subtract; higher level sets cin to 1
+fa addg(addw, addcw, r2, r3, cin); // ADD: R1 = R2 + R3
+fa subg(subw, subcw, r2, notw2, cin); // SUB: R1 = R2 - R3
+or org(orw, r2, r3); // OR: R1 = R2 | R3
+and andg(andw, r2, r3); // AND: R1 = R2 & R3
+xor_custom xorg(xorw, r2, r3); // XOR: R1 = R2 ^ R3
+mux_8to1 opsel( .out(r1),
+ .sel(op),
+ .o0(r2),
+ .o1(notw),
+ .o2(addw),
+ .o3(subw),
+ .o4(orw),
+ .o5(andw),
+ .o6(xorw),
+ .o7(subw)
+ );
+mux_8to1 csel( .out(cout),
+ .sel(op),
+ .o0(1'b0), .o1(1'b0),
+ .o2(addcw),
+ .o3(subcw),
+ .o4(1'b0), .o5(1'b0),
+ .o6(1'b0),
+ .o7(subcw)
+ );