diff options
authorMichael Abed <>2012-02-16 15:46:55 -0500
committerMichael Abed <>2012-02-16 15:46:55 -0500
commit0bdf2f0b18f7e2986336f8afc67fe18b8b382e7a (patch)
initial commit
39 files changed, 4018 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ALU.cmd_log b/ALU.cmd_log
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..044741b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALU.cmd_log
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+vhdtdtfi -lib work {X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALU.v} -lang verilog -prj lab2 -o ALU.spl -module ALU -template C:/Xilinx/13.3/ISE_DS/ISE//data/splveri.tft -deleteonerror
+spl2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 ALU.spl {X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALU.sym}
+vhdtdtfi -lib work {X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALU.v} -lang verilog -prj lab2 -o ALU.spl -module ALU -template C:/Xilinx/13.3/ISE_DS/ISE//data/splveri.tft -deleteonerror
+spl2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 ALU.spl {X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALU.sym}
+vhdtdtfi -lib work /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.v -lang verilog -prj lab2 -o ALU.spl -module ALU -template /home/michael/opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE//data/splveri.tft -deleteonerror
+spl2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 ALU.spl /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.sym
+vhdtdtfi -lib work /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.v -lang verilog -prj lab2 -o ALU.spl -module ALU -template /home/michael/opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE//data/splveri.tft -deleteonerror
+spl2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w ALU.spl /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.sym
+vhdtdtfi -lib work /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.v -lang verilog -prj lab2 -o ALU.spl -module ALU -template /home/michael/opt/Xilinx/13.4/ISE_DS/ISE//data/splveri.tft -deleteonerror
+spl2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w ALU.spl /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALU.sym
diff --git a/ALU.spl b/ALU.spl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f351b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALU.spl
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+VeriModel ALU
diff --git a/ALU.sym b/ALU.sym
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47dcf06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALU.sym
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<symbol version="7" name="ALU">
+ <symboltype>BLOCK</symboltype>
+ <timestamp>2012-2-16T2:38:45</timestamp>
+ <attr value="ALU" name="VeriModel" />
+ <pin polarity="Input" x="0" y="416" name="s(1:0)" />
+ <pin polarity="Input" x="0" y="480" name="a(3:0)" />
+ <pin polarity="Output" x="384" y="416" name="o(3:0)" />
+ <graph>
+ <attrtext style="alignment:BCENTER;fontsize:56;fontname:Arial" attrname="SymbolName" x="192" y="-136" type="symbol" />
+ <attrtext style="fontsize:24;fontname:Arial" attrname="PinName" x="72" y="416" type="pin s(1:0)" />
+ <attrtext style="fontsize:24;fontname:Arial" attrname="PinName" x="72" y="480" type="pin a(3:0)" />
+ <attrtext style="alignment:RIGHT;fontsize:24;fontname:Arial" attrname="PinName" x="312" y="416" type="pin o(3:0)" />
+ <rect width="64" x="0" y="404" height="24" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="416" y2="416" x1="64" />
+ <rect width="64" x="0" y="468" height="24" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="480" y2="480" x1="64" />
+ <rect width="64" x="320" y="404" height="24" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="416" y2="416" x1="320" />
+ <rect width="256" x="64" y="-128" height="640" />
+ </graph>
diff --git a/ALU.ucf b/ALU.ucf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALU.ucf
diff --git a/ALU.v b/ALU.v
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..86c0372
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALU.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+// Company:
+// Engineer:
+// Create Date: 15:30:47 02/15/2012
+// Design Name:
+// Module Name: ALU
+// Project Name:
+// Target Devices:
+// Tool versions:
+// Description:
+// Dependencies:
+// Revision:
+// Revision 0.01 - File Created
+// Additional Comments:
+module ALU(
+ input [1:0] s,
+ input [3:0] a,
+ output [3:0] o
+ );
+reg [3:0] o;
+always @ ( * )
+ case ( s )
+ 2'd0 : o = a;
+ 2'd1 : o = ~a+1;
+ 2'd2 : o = a >> 1;
+ 2'd3 : o = a % 3;
+ endcase
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.cmd_log b/ALUSHOW.cmd_log
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bf0d338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.cmd_log
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALUSHOW.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/lab2/ALUSHOW.syr"
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.jhd b/ALUSHOW.jhd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5a366ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.jhd
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ SUBMODULE sev_seg_disp
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.lso b/ALUSHOW.lso
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..22de730
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.lso
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.prj b/ALUSHOW.prj
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..714802f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.prj
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+verilog work "sev_seg_disp.vf"
+verilog work "ALU.v"
+verilog work "ALUSHOW.vf"
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.sch b/ALUSHOW.sch
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba21753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.sch
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<drawing version="7">
+ <attr value="spartan6" name="DeviceFamilyName">
+ <trait delete="all:0" />
+ <trait editname="all:0" />
+ <trait edittrait="all:0" />
+ </attr>
+ <netlist>
+ <signal name="ao" />
+ <signal name="bo" />
+ <signal name="co" />
+ <signal name="do" />
+ <signal name="eo" />
+ <signal name="fo" />
+ <signal name="go" />
+ <signal name="sign" />
+ <signal name="AN0" />
+ <signal name="AN1" />
+ <signal name="AN2" />
+ <signal name="AN3" />
+ <signal name="ALU_OUT(3:0)" />
+ <signal name="ALU_OUT(0)" />
+ <signal name="ALU_OUT(1)" />
+ <signal name="ALU_OUT(2)" />
+ <signal name="ALU_OUT(3)" />
+ <signal name="A(3:0)" />
+ <signal name="S(1:0)" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="ao" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="bo" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="co" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="do" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="eo" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="fo" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="go" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="sign" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="AN0" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="AN1" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="AN2" />
+ <port polarity="Output" name="AN3" />
+ <port polarity="Input" name="A(3:0)" />
+ <port polarity="Input" name="S(1:0)" />
+ <blockdef name="sev_seg_disp">
+ <timestamp>2012-2-15T18:55:28</timestamp>
+ <rect width="256" x="64" y="-768" height="768" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="-736" y2="-736" x1="64" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="-512" y2="-512" x1="64" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="-288" y2="-288" x1="64" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="-64" y2="-64" x1="64" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-736" y2="-736" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-672" y2="-672" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-608" y2="-608" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-544" y2="-544" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-480" y2="-480" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-416" y2="-416" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-352" y2="-352" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-288" y2="-288" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-224" y2="-224" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-160" y2="-160" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-96" y2="-96" x1="320" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="-32" y2="-32" x1="320" />
+ </blockdef>
+ <blockdef name="ALU">
+ <timestamp>2012-2-16T2:38:45</timestamp>
+ <rect width="64" x="0" y="404" height="24" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="416" y2="416" x1="64" />
+ <rect width="64" x="0" y="468" height="24" />
+ <line x2="0" y1="480" y2="480" x1="64" />
+ <rect width="64" x="320" y="404" height="24" />
+ <line x2="384" y1="416" y2="416" x1="320" />
+ <rect width="256" x="64" y="-128" height="640" />
+ </blockdef>
+ <block symbolname="sev_seg_disp" name="XLXI_2">
+ <blockpin signalname="ALU_OUT(0)" name="A" />
+ <blockpin signalname="ALU_OUT(1)" name="B" />
+ <blockpin signalname="ALU_OUT(2)" name="C" />
+ <blockpin signalname="ALU_OUT(3)" name="D" />
+ <blockpin signalname="ao" name="a_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="bo" name="b_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="co" name="c_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="do" name="d_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="eo" name="e_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="fo" name="f_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="go" name="g_out" />
+ <blockpin signalname="sign" name="sign" />
+ <blockpin signalname="AN0" name="AN0" />
+ <blockpin signalname="AN1" name="AN1" />
+ <blockpin signalname="AN2" name="AN2" />
+ <blockpin signalname="AN3" name="AN3" />
+ </block>
+ <block symbolname="ALU" name="XLXI_4">
+ <blockpin signalname="S(1:0)" name="s(1:0)" />
+ <blockpin signalname="A(3:0)" name="a(3:0)" />
+ <blockpin signalname="ALU_OUT(3:0)" name="o(3:0)" />
+ </block>
+ </netlist>
+ <sheet sheetnum="1" width="3520" height="2720">
+ <instance x="1728" y="1536" name="XLXI_2" orien="R0">
+ </instance>
+ <branch name="ao">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="800" y2="800" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="800" name="ao" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="bo">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="864" y2="864" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="864" name="bo" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="co">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="928" y2="928" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="928" name="co" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="do">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="992" y2="992" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="992" name="do" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="eo">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1056" y2="1056" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1056" name="eo" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="fo">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1120" y2="1120" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1120" name="fo" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="go">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1184" y2="1184" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1184" name="go" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="sign">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1248" y2="1248" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1248" name="sign" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="AN0">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1312" y2="1312" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1312" name="AN0" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="AN1">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1376" y2="1376" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1376" name="AN1" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="AN2">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1440" y2="1440" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1440" name="AN2" orien="R0" />
+ <branch name="AN3">
+ <wire x2="2144" y1="1504" y2="1504" x1="2112" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="2144" y="1504" name="AN3" orien="R0" />
+ <instance x="880" y="1152" name="XLXI_4" orien="R0">
+ </instance>
+ <branch name="ALU_OUT(3:0)">
+ <wire x2="1376" y1="1568" y2="1568" x1="1264" />
+ <wire x2="1376" y1="800" y2="1024" x1="1376" />
+ <wire x2="1376" y1="1024" y2="1248" x1="1376" />
+ <wire x2="1376" y1="1248" y2="1472" x1="1376" />
+ <wire x2="1376" y1="1472" y2="1568" x1="1376" />
+ </branch>
+ <bustap x2="1472" y1="800" y2="800" x1="1376" />
+ <branch name="ALU_OUT(0)">
+ <attrtext style="alignment:SOFT-BCENTER;fontsize:28;fontname:Arial" attrname="Name" x="1664" y="800" type="branch" />
+ <wire x2="1664" y1="800" y2="800" x1="1472" />
+ <wire x2="1728" y1="800" y2="800" x1="1664" />
+ </branch>
+ <bustap x2="1472" y1="1024" y2="1024" x1="1376" />
+ <branch name="ALU_OUT(1)">
+ <attrtext style="alignment:SOFT-BCENTER;fontsize:28;fontname:Arial" attrname="Name" x="1632" y="1024" type="branch" />
+ <wire x2="1632" y1="1024" y2="1024" x1="1472" />
+ <wire x2="1728" y1="1024" y2="1024" x1="1632" />
+ </branch>
+ <bustap x2="1472" y1="1248" y2="1248" x1="1376" />
+ <branch name="ALU_OUT(2)">
+ <attrtext style="alignment:SOFT-BCENTER;fontsize:28;fontname:Arial" attrname="Name" x="1568" y="1248" type="branch" />
+ <wire x2="1568" y1="1248" y2="1248" x1="1472" />
+ <wire x2="1728" y1="1248" y2="1248" x1="1568" />
+ </branch>
+ <bustap x2="1472" y1="1472" y2="1472" x1="1376" />
+ <branch name="ALU_OUT(3)">
+ <attrtext style="alignment:SOFT-BCENTER;fontsize:28;fontname:Arial" attrname="Name" x="1568" y="1472" type="branch" />
+ <wire x2="1568" y1="1472" y2="1472" x1="1472" />
+ <wire x2="1728" y1="1472" y2="1472" x1="1568" />
+ </branch>
+ <branch name="A(3:0)">
+ <wire x2="880" y1="1632" y2="1632" x1="848" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="848" y="1632" name="A(3:0)" orien="R180" />
+ <branch name="S(1:0)">
+ <wire x2="880" y1="1568" y2="1568" x1="848" />
+ </branch>
+ <iomarker fontsize="28" x="848" y="1568" name="S(1:0)" orien="R180" />
+ </sheet>
+</drawing> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.syr b/ALUSHOW.syr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f10b0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.syr
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+Release 13.3 - xst O.76xd (nt64)
+Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+--> Parameter TMPDIR set to xst/projnav.tmp
+Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs
+Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.11 secs
+--> Parameter xsthdpdir set to xst
+Total REAL time to Xst completion: 0.00 secs
+Total CPU time to Xst completion: 0.12 secs
+--> Reading design: ALUSHOW.prj
+ 1) Synthesis Options Summary
+ 2) HDL Parsing
+ 3) HDL Elaboration
+ 4) HDL Synthesis
+ 4.1) HDL Synthesis Report
+ 5) Advanced HDL Synthesis
+ 5.1) Advanced HDL Synthesis Report
+ 6) Low Level Synthesis
+ 7) Partition Report
+ 8) Design Summary
+ 8.1) Primitive and Black Box Usage
+ 8.2) Device utilization summary
+ 8.3) Partition Resource Summary
+ 8.4) Timing Report
+ 8.4.1) Clock Information
+ 8.4.2) Asynchronous Control Signals Information
+ 8.4.3) Timing Summary
+ 8.4.4) Timing Details
+ 8.4.5) Cross Clock Domains Report
+* Synthesis Options Summary *
+---- Source Parameters
+Input File Name : "ALUSHOW.prj"
+Ignore Synthesis Constraint File : NO
+---- Target Parameters
+Output File Name : "ALUSHOW"
+Output Format : NGC
+Target Device : xc6slx16-3-csg324
+---- Source Options
+Top Module Name : ALUSHOW
+Automatic FSM Extraction : YES
+FSM Encoding Algorithm : Auto
+Safe Implementation : No
+FSM Style : LUT
+RAM Extraction : Yes
+RAM Style : Auto
+ROM Extraction : Yes
+Shift Register Extraction : YES
+ROM Style : Auto
+Resource Sharing : YES
+Asynchronous To Synchronous : NO
+Shift Register Minimum Size : 2
+Use DSP Block : Auto
+Automatic Register Balancing : No
+---- Target Options
+LUT Combining : Auto
+Reduce Control Sets : Auto
+Add IO Buffers : YES
+Global Maximum Fanout : 100000
+Add Generic Clock Buffer(BUFG) : 16
+Register Duplication : YES
+Optimize Instantiated Primitives : NO
+Use Clock Enable : Auto
+Use Synchronous Set : Auto
+Use Synchronous Reset : Auto
+Pack IO Registers into IOBs : Auto
+Equivalent register Removal : YES
+---- General Options
+Optimization Goal : Speed
+Optimization Effort : 1
+Power Reduction : NO
+Keep Hierarchy : No
+Netlist Hierarchy : As_Optimized
+RTL Output : Yes
+Global Optimization : AllClockNets
+Read Cores : YES
+Write Timing Constraints : NO
+Cross Clock Analysis : NO
+Hierarchy Separator : /
+Bus Delimiter : <>
+Case Specifier : Maintain
+Slice Utilization Ratio : 100
+BRAM Utilization Ratio : 100
+DSP48 Utilization Ratio : 100
+Auto BRAM Packing : NO
+Slice Utilization Ratio Delta : 5
+* HDL Parsing *
+Analyzing Verilog file "\\ad\eng\users\m\g\mgabed\My Documents\ec311\lab2\sev_seg_disp.vf" into library work
+Parsing module <sev_seg_disp>.
+Analyzing Verilog file "\\ad\eng\users\m\g\mgabed\My Documents\ec311\lab2\ALU.v" into library work
+Parsing module <ALU>.
+ERROR:HDLCompiler:44 - "\\ad\eng\users\m\g\mgabed\My Documents\ec311\lab2\ALU.v" Line 26: out3 is not a constant
+ERROR:HDLCompiler:598 - "\\ad\eng\users\m\g\mgabed\My Documents\ec311\lab2\ALU.v" Line 21: Module <ALU> ignored due to previous errors.
+Verilog file \\ad\eng\users\m\g\mgabed\My Documents\ec311\lab2\ALU.v ignored due to errors
+Total memory usage is 201016 kilobytes
+Number of errors : 2 ( 0 filtered)
+Number of warnings : 0 ( 0 filtered)
+Number of infos : 0 ( 0 filtered)
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.ucf b/ALUSHOW.ucf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.ucf
diff --git a/ALUSHOW.vf b/ALUSHOW.vf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8662af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ALUSHOW.vf
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1995-2011 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.
+// ____ ____
+// / /\/ /
+// /___/ \ / Vendor: Xilinx
+// \ \ \/ Version : 13.4
+// \ \ Application : sch2hdl
+// / / Filename : ALUSHOW.vf
+// /___/ /\ Timestamp : 02/15/2012 21:35:26
+// \ \ / \
+// \___\/\___\
+//Command: sch2hdl -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -verilog /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALUSHOW.vf -w /home/michael/Documents/School/EC311/lab2/ALUSHOW.sch
+//Design Name: ALUSHOW
+//Device: spartan6
+// This verilog netlist is translated from an ECS schematic.It can be
+// synthesized and simulated, but it should not be modified.
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module sev_seg_disp_MUSER_ALUSHOW(A,
+ B,
+ C,
+ D,
+ AN0,
+ AN1,
+ AN2,
+ AN3,
+ a_out,
+ b_out,
+ c_out,
+ d_out,
+ e_out,
+ f_out,
+ g_out,
+ sign);
+ input A;
+ input B;
+ input C;
+ input D;
+ output AN0;
+ output AN1;
+ output AN2;
+ output AN3;
+ output a_out;
+ output b_out;
+ output c_out;
+ output d_out;
+ output e_out;
+ output f_out;
+ output g_out;
+ output sign;
+ wire A_BAR;
+ wire B_BAR;
+ wire C_BAR;
+ wire D_BAR;
+ wire XLXN_14;
+ wire XLXN_24;
+ wire XLXN_61;
+ wire XLXN_62;
+ wire XLXN_63;
+ wire XLXN_64;
+ wire XLXN_65;
+ wire XLXN_91;
+ wire XLXN_92;
+ wire XLXN_93;
+ wire XLXN_94;
+ wire XLXN_105;
+ wire XLXN_113;
+ wire XLXN_114;
+ wire XLXN_125;
+ wire XLXN_126;
+ wire XLXN_128;
+ wire XLXN_129;
+ wire XLXN_130;
+ wire XLXN_131;
+ wire XLXN_145;
+ wire XLXN_146;
+ wire XLXN_147;
+ wire XLXN_148;
+ wire XLXN_149;
+ wire XLXN_151;
+ wire XLXN_155;
+ wire XLXN_156;
+ wire XLXN_158;
+ wire XLXN_160;
+ wire XLXN_162;
+ wire XLXN_165;
+ BUF XLXI_5 (.I(XLXN_14),
+ .O(AN0));
+ BUF XLXI_6 (.I(XLXN_14),
+ .O(AN1));
+ BUF XLXI_7 (.I(XLXN_14),
+ .O(AN2));
+ BUF XLXI_8 (.I(XLXN_24),
+ .O(AN3));
+ GND XLXI_11 (.G(XLXN_24));
+ VCC XLXI_12 (.P(XLXN_14));
+ AND3 XLXI_30 (.I0(B),
+ .I1(C_BAR),
+ .I2(D),
+ .O(XLXN_61));
+ AND3 XLXI_31 (.I0(A_BAR),
+ .I1(D),
+ .I2(C),
+ .O(XLXN_62));
+ AND2 XLXI_32 (.I0(B_BAR),
+ .I1(D_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_63));
+ AND2 XLXI_33 (.I0(C),
+ .I1(D_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_64));
+ OR5 XLXI_34 (.I0(XLXN_65),
+ .I1(XLXN_64),
+ .I2(XLXN_63),
+ .I3(XLXN_62),
+ .I4(XLXN_61),
+ .O(XLXN_149));
+ AND2 XLXI_35 (.I0(B_BAR),
+ .I1(A),
+ .O(XLXN_65));
+ INV XLXI_37 (.I(A),
+ .O(A_BAR));
+ INV XLXI_38 (.I(B),
+ .O(B_BAR));
+ INV XLXI_39 (.I(C),
+ .O(C_BAR));
+ INV XLXI_40 (.I(D),
+ .O(D_BAR));
+ OR4 XLXI_41 (.I0(XLXN_94),
+ .I1(XLXN_93),
+ .I2(XLXN_92),
+ .I3(XLXN_91),
+ .O(XLXN_151));
+ XNOR2 XLXI_42 (.I0(B),
+ .I1(A),
+ .O(XLXN_91));
+ AND2 XLXI_43 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(C_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_92));
+ AND2 XLXI_44 (.I0(B_BAR),
+ .I1(C_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_93));
+ AND3 XLXI_45 (.I0(A_BAR),
+ .I1(D),
+ .I2(C),
+ .O(XLXN_94));
+ XOR2 XLXI_46 (.I0(B),
+ .I1(A),
+ .O(XLXN_105));
+ OR3 XLXI_47 (.I0(D),
+ .I1(C_BAR),
+ .I2(XLXN_105),
+ .O(XLXN_155));
+ AND2 XLXI_48 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(C),
+ .O(XLXN_125));
+ AND2 XLXI_49 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(B_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_126));
+ AND2 XLXI_50 (.I0(C),
+ .I1(B_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_113));
+ AND3 XLXI_51 (.I0(C_BAR),
+ .I1(D),
+ .I2(B),
+ .O(XLXN_114));
+ OR4 XLXI_52 (.I0(XLXN_114),
+ .I1(XLXN_113),
+ .I2(XLXN_126),
+ .I3(XLXN_125),
+ .O(XLXN_156));
+ OR2 XLXI_53 (.I0(XLXN_126),
+ .I1(XLXN_125),
+ .O(XLXN_158));
+ AND3 XLXI_54 (.I0(C_BAR),
+ .I1(B),
+ .I2(A_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_128));
+ AND3 XLXI_55 (.I0(C),
+ .I1(B_BAR),
+ .I2(A),
+ .O(XLXN_129));
+ AND3 XLXI_56 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(B),
+ .I2(A_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_130));
+ AND2 XLXI_57 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(C_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_131));
+ OR4 XLXI_58 (.I0(XLXN_131),
+ .I1(XLXN_130),
+ .I2(XLXN_129),
+ .I3(XLXN_128),
+ .O(XLXN_160));
+ OR4 XLXI_60 (.I0(XLXN_148),
+ .I1(XLXN_147),
+ .I2(XLXN_146),
+ .I3(XLXN_145),
+ .O(XLXN_162));
+ AND2 XLXI_61 (.I0(C_BAR),
+ .I1(B),
+ .O(XLXN_145));
+ AND2 XLXI_62 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(C),
+ .O(XLXN_146));
+ AND2 XLXI_63 (.I0(B_BAR),
+ .I1(C),
+ .O(XLXN_147));
+ AND2 XLXI_64 (.I0(D_BAR),
+ .I1(A),
+ .O(XLXN_148));
+ INV XLXI_65 (.I(XLXN_149),
+ .O(a_out));
+ INV XLXI_66 (.I(XLXN_151),
+ .O(b_out));
+ INV XLXI_67 (.I(XLXN_155),
+ .O(c_out));
+ INV XLXI_68 (.I(XLXN_158),
+ .O(e_out));
+ INV XLXI_69 (.I(XLXN_156),
+ .O(d_out));
+ INV XLXI_70 (.I(XLXN_160),
+ .O(f_out));
+ INV XLXI_71 (.I(XLXN_162),
+ .O(g_out));
+ INV XLXI_72 (.I(A_BAR),
+ .O(XLXN_165));
+ INV XLXI_73 (.I(XLXN_165),
+ .O(sign));
+`timescale 1ns / 1ps
+module ALUSHOW(AN0,
+ AN1,