diff options
-rwxr-xr-xalu.bitbin464285 -> 464285 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xalu.mskbin464285 -> 464285 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xalu.rbbbin464117 -> 464117 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xxlnx_auto_0_xdb/cst.xbcdbin1631 -> 1549 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xxst/work/work.sdblbin131898 -> 139419 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xxst/work/work.sdbxbin1035 -> 1035 bytes
154 files changed, 9769 insertions, 3934 deletions
diff --git a/ALU.bld b/ALU.bld
index 6186a2d..2e3d732 100755
--- a/ALU.bld
+++ b/ALU.bld
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Command Line: C:\Xilinx\13.3\ISE_DS\ISE\bin\nt64\unwrapped\ngdbuild.exe
-intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 ALU.ngc
-Reading NGO file "X:/My Documents/ec311/lab1/ALU.ngc" ...
+Reading NGO file "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.ngc" ...
Gathering constraint information from source properties...
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ NGDBUILD Design Results Summary:
Number of errors: 0
Number of warnings: 0
-Total memory usage is 156564 kilobytes
+Total memory usage is 154784 kilobytes
Writing NGD file "ALU.ngd" ...
Total REAL time to NGDBUILD completion: 4 sec
diff --git a/ALU.cmd_log b/ALU.cmd_log
index de0ed5a..4963564 100755
--- a/ALU.cmd_log
+++ b/ALU.cmd_log
@@ -8,3 +8,70 @@ map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -re
par -w -intstyle ise -ol high -mt off ALU_map.ncd ALU.ncd ALU.pcf
trce -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 3 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml ALU.twx ALU.ncd -o ALU.twr ALU.pcf -ucf ALU.ucf
bitgen -intstyle ise -f ALU.ut ALU.ncd
+sch2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w -refsym ALU {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sch} {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sym}
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.syr"
+ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 "ALU.ngc" ALU.ngd
+map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o ALU_map.ncd ALU.ngd ALU.pcf
+par -w -intstyle ise -ol high -mt off ALU_map.ncd ALU.ncd ALU.pcf
+trce -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 3 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml ALU.twx ALU.ncd -o ALU.twr ALU.pcf -ucf ALU.ucf
+bitgen -intstyle ise -f ALU.ut ALU.ncd
+sch2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w -refsym ALU {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sch} {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sym}
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.syr"
+ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 "ALU.ngc" ALU.ngd
+map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o ALU_map.ncd ALU.ngd ALU.pcf
+sch2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w -refsym ALU {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sch} {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sym}
+sch2sym -intstyle ise -family spartan6 -w -refsym ALU {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sch} {X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.sym}
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.syr"
+ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 "ALU.ngc" ALU.ngd
+map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o ALU_map.ncd ALU.ngd ALU.pcf
+par -w -intstyle ise -ol high -mt off ALU_map.ncd ALU.ncd ALU.pcf
+trce -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 3 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml ALU.twx ALU.ncd -o ALU.twr ALU.pcf -ucf ALU.ucf
+bitgen -intstyle ise -f ALU.ut ALU.ncd
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.syr"
+ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 "ALU.ngc" ALU.ngd
+map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o ALU_map.ncd ALU.ngd ALU.pcf
+par -w -intstyle ise -ol high -mt off ALU_map.ncd ALU.ncd ALU.pcf
+trce -intstyle ise -v 3 -s 3 -n 3 -fastpaths -xml ALU.twx ALU.ncd -o ALU.twr ALU.pcf -ucf ALU.ucf
+bitgen -intstyle ise -f ALU.ut ALU.ncd
+xst -intstyle ise -ifn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.xst" -ofn "X:/My Documents/ec311/ec311-lab1/ALU.syr"
+ngdbuild -intstyle ise -dd _ngo -nt timestamp -uc ALU.ucf -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 "ALU.ngc" ALU.ngd
+map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx16-csg324-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol high -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off -ir off -pr off -lc off -power off -o ALU_map.ncd ALU.ngd ALU.pcf
+par -